// 2014 January | Williams Christmas Lights

Archive for January, 2014

And we’re through…

Tuesday, January 14th, 2014

…for this season, anyhow.  Our last visitors left about 10:00, and I pulled the power cords, pulled the signs, and brought the donation box in. I also powered down the fm transmitter, the wireless transmitter and the show pc.  Now on to next season.  Stay tuned 🙂

Encore! Encore!

Tuesday, January 14th, 2014

As seems to be our tradition, we will be presenting an encore of the light show tonight, January 14.  Inevitably, there are folks who, for one reason or another, do not make it out during the normal run of the show.  With this season having been so short, and it being a busy season in […]

That wraps another show…

Tuesday, January 7th, 2014

Last night was the last time the display will run for this season.  The show ran well, with nothing more than a couple computer glitches, an accidentally unplugged cord, and a couple wireless bugs right off the bat.  The donations did just about as well as they did last year, and I will post the […]

Last Chance!

Monday, January 6th, 2014

Tonight is the last night for this year’s display.  There’s a nice layer of snow on the ground, which makes for great viewing.  We will run until about 10:45 or so, so if you want to see it, now is the time!  


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