// Baby, It’s Cold Outside | Williams Christmas Lights

Baby, It’s Cold Outside

I can attest.  The good news is that the show is up and going.  Had to track down a communication issue and replace a couple hundred pixels that didn’t play well with rain, but the blinky-flashy has returned.

2 Comments on Baby, It’s Cold Outside

williams said : administrator Report 6 years ago

I am so sorry, I didn't get a notification on this message. I hope you enjoyed your evening regardless. -B

Cheryl said : Guest Report 6 years ago

Hello! Our friends and I are excited to bring our kids by Saturday night to see the display. The adults have their own displays to see and wanted to know if the lights might be on around 4:45? I know it’s not super dark yet but we want to squeeze this one in too before we head out. Thank you!

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