// 2018 Wrap up | Williams Christmas Lights

2018 Wrap up

The 2018 season started a little late for us. An early Thanksgiving, coupled with a couple rain delays put us behind right off the bat. Once the show was going, though, it ran like a champ, even with us being out of town for 10 days. The new pixel candy canes (large and small), all performed flawlessly, and the squirrels pretty much left everything alone. Along the way, we managed to collect a couple nice prizes- We took 2nd in Jolt Lighting’s first area display competition, a prize that included their show controller and an LOR controller. We also won a handful of Plaza gift cards when the Plaza Lights Social Media Team chose our display as their favorite from the ones submitted. Donations for KRCM were steady, and we ended up just shy of $500 collected. We’ll pad that out a little and drop it off next week.

All in all, another successful season. Stay tuned for next year- we already have big plans for a larger display with new items, as well as some new music for our 10th anniversary of the animated lights.

Thank you for your support

1 Comment on 2018 Wrap up

Tim Dorr said : Guest Report 6 years ago

You have put together a wonderful display Bruce. Thanks for sharing it with all who drive by to see it. Looking forward to your 2019 ideas, as well as attending your Mini later this year.

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