Most of you that know me, or follow these posts online, know that we collect funds for Kansas City Rescue Mission during the light display. Those that have poked around the website may have noticed that we leave the donation links up all year, since their needs are more than just during the Christmas season. I’d like to point out that KCRM has started their annual Thanksgiving fund drive. I know it seems early, but they prepare over 4000 meals during Thanksgiving, both for folks onsite and for many who are not able to get out.
Your donations at this time can be directed to the Thanksgiving efforts specifically. You can donate safely online at the KCRM Thanksgiving-specific donation page by clicking below, and you could even note in the comments that you linked in from our display.
KCRM’s Thanksgiving newsletter is posted below, with more info and details for in-person food drop-offs, if you would prefer to help out that way.