Before I moved into my current house a little over two years ago, I lived on the main Christmas light driving tour in Johnson county. Consequently, I had limos and tour buses come by the display, which was neat. Now that I have moved to more of an outlying area, I haven’t had that happen, until last night. I was out front, talking to Chris S, who has a display over on the other side of KC, and a tour bus came crawling around the corner. I talked to him for a few more minutes, then walked over to the bus to make sure they had found the radio station and everything. The driver asked if it was my house, and when I said yes, he asked me aboard to talk about the display to the group of senior citizens that had chartered the bus. I gave a brief, non-nerdy run down on the display, and they all applauded. Pretty neat. Glad I was able to add something to their tour, lol.