// Old Time Radio Christmas, Round 2 | Williams Christmas Lights

Old Time Radio Christmas, Round 2


Those of you who have visited our site for a while may remember a previous post about Old Time Radio shows. I posted it a little over a year ago, but those of you who may have missed it are welcome to view that post HERE. This year, I have selected another set of shows to share, and I hope you will enjoy them.

The first two shows share a common theme- one of the main characters in each of these episodes is based on the same person, but you’ll need to listen to see who. In the the first show, Casey is a newspaper crime photographer who inevitably ends up solving the crime that he is sent to take pictures of. You can follow him on this Christmas assignment with his partner Anne, a writer for the same paper. In the second show, Archie is the manager at Duffy’s Tavern. Due to his circumstances, he is down on Christmas. A visitor helps him overcome those feelings in this episode.

Casey Crime Photographer – The Santa Claus of Bums Boulevard

Duffy’s Tavern – Archie’s in Poor Spirits

The next show is this year’s choice for a rendition of Dickens’ Christmas Carol. Richard Diamond is often referred to as the singing detective, as he closes most shows by sitting down at a piano and playing while singing. While his cases can be rough, the show is light-hearted and fast moving.

Richard Diamond, Private Detective – A Christmas Carol

Next up I have episodes of The Whistler and The Shadow. These shows tended to be darker, and generally had tensions surrounding the lead characters. The Whistler would follow along, watching, narrating and giving background information, and usually the shows climax in some type of an unforseen plot twist. The Shadow worked more as an investigator, righting wrongs as he found them.

The Whistler – Christmas Bonus

The Shadow – The Stockings Were Hung

Now, to lighten the mood, I am including an episode of Fibber McGee and Molly. This show was a comedy, and generally has several laugh out loud moments. Many times, the main characters crack each other up during the show, which is always amusing.

Fibber McGee and Molly – White Christmas Tree

Lastly, an episode of Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar. Dollar is an insurance investigator whose cases are varied and well thought out. When this series ended, with it ended the ‘Golden Age’ of radio shows. I enjoy this series immensely, and present this fun program to leave you with a smile.

Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar – The Missing Mouse Matter

Hopefully you have time to listen to these shows, and they can kick off your fall with a yearning for the Christmas Season that lays just ahead 🙂


4 Comments on Old Time Radio Christmas, Round 2

williams said : administrator Report 7 years ago

The book is occasionally available online, but I have never seen the audio (in any format), anywhere. I know of an OTR page that actually has it in it's 'please help me find' list.

Brett Smith said : Guest Report 7 years ago

I would love to get a copy of the Cuddles and Tuckie recordings. Did you ever find an outlet to share them online?

williams said : administrator Report 10 years ago

That's really neat, Tim. I missed all the great radio shows, so I'm catching up now :)

Tim said : Guest Report 10 years ago

Bruce, growing up in KC, each Christmas we would drive to our church to prepare for the annual Christmas pageant. On the way we would listen to The Christmas Adventures of Cuddles & Tuckie. It was in a serial format, similar to the Saturday movies we saw as kids, It's the story of Santa's reindeer being attacked by a wolf and running off into the woods. Santa needs his reindeer so he can deliver presents to kids the world over, so he calls on a magic deer, White King, but needs someone to ride him, because the elves are to afraid. So Santa sends White King to the home of Cuddles & Tuckie in hopes that they will ride White King and find the eight missing reindeer. Several years ago I was able to secure a copy of that program and have tried to figure out a way to share it with the world through our Christmas Lights Display. Maybe I should take your lead and include it on my Christmas website. That might just be the ticket. Thanks for the great idea. And I look forward to listening to the old radio programs you have lined up.

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