It’s only October, but seasonal opportunities to give are popping up already. The first one that arrived in my mailbox is one that I have participated in before: the Thanksgiving Dinner drive for Kansas City Rescue Mission (KCRM). Each year, KCRM feeds a large number of homeless people, as well as families and elderly folks that are unable to afford or are just unable to prepare a meal themselves. The cost per meal prepared is $2.07, which is quite reasonable, and makes it easy to give enough for multiple meals.
You can donate to the cause through the donation links on our site. Click on the ‘Make a Gift’ button HERE. There’s a spot on their donation page to give for the Thanksgiving Season.
You can read more about the meals services that they provide on page 2 of their Fall 2015 newsletter: Newsletter.
You can also sign up to volunteer to help deliver meals Thanksgiving morning to shut-ins and elderly. The volunteering information is also on the same page of that newsletter.
We will post more opportunities to serve as we come across them. Here’s to a good Thanksgiving season 🙂