// 2012 November 24 | Williams Christmas Lights

Archive for November 24th, 2012

Out sightseeing…

Saturday, November 24th, 2012

We made our way over to see Tim Dorr’s display tonight, and the changes he made this year are awesome!  His display is primarily led lights, along with some pixel strips that allow almost infinite colors, while each ‘bulb’ is actually separately controllable.  This makes your imagination the only limit to your sequencing.  It looked great, […]

Two nights down. So far, so good.

Saturday, November 24th, 2012

I had intended to update this yesterday, but it got a little crazy around here.  Thanksgiving day, we fed 18 here at the house, and then kicked off the light show that evening.  We had some good traffic, including our neighbor’s entire Thanksgiving gathering standing outside watching.  Yesterday, we had an oven give up (sparks and […]


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